Standard 7 | Research, Problem Solving, and Product Development
The competent teacher will use computers and other technologies in research, problem solving, and product development. The competent teacher will appropriately use a variety of media, presentation, and authoring packages; plan and participate in team and collaborative projects that require critical analysis and evaluation; and present products developed.
- Hot Topic Powerpoint
- Graphing Calculator Activity
- Geometer's Sketchpad Activity
- Forensics Powerpoint
- CI 402M Curriculum Evaluation Project
- The first artifact is a powerpoint presentation that was developed by myself and three of my peers in CI 401M: Introduction to Teaching in a Diverse Society in the fall of 2009. This assignment was to create a presentation on a current topic relating to education. The topic we chose was supporting ELL students in the math classroom. The presentation talks about ELL learners, the relevant issues concerning these learners in classrooms today, why they are important, and best practices for accommodating ELL students. For the presentation, I collaborated with 3 other students to put together what we thought was the most informative content on this subject.
- The second activity is a regression activity for students to use calculators to find the best fit line and best fit parabola for a given set of data.
- The third artifact is Geometer's Sketchpad activity designed for students to discover various properties of circles and proportions.
- The next artifact is a presentation used for a forensics unit during my STEM internship on the relationship between distance, speed, and time.
- The last artifact was developed in CI 402M : Teaching Diverse Middle School Students. The assignment was to review a textbook with two other classmates and decide if we wanted to adopt this textbook for our school. We had a set of goals and objectives, as well as a context for our school. We collaborated to evaluate the academic rigor, developmental appropriateness, and equity aspect of the textbook. We then came together and came to a decision whether or not the textbook worked well with our school.
These artifacts demonstrate that i understand how to use computers and other technologies in research, problem solving, and product development. I have collaborated with workgroups to build bodies of knowledge around specific topics and delivered oral presentations. With these artifacts, I effectively use technologies (Powerpoint, calculators, Geometer's Sketchpad, etc) to compile, organize, analyze, and synthesize information.
It is essential for teachers to use new technologies that are available to them to enhance the learning and engagement of their students. I plan on using these technologies and making them available to my students so they can have enriched and meaningful experiences learning mathematics. I will also collaborate with other teachers learn how to maximize usage of the technology in teaching for the students' benefit. I will also share my resources with my colleagues and work together to develop new products for students.